Registration is now CLOSED

Thank YOU for your interest in being a business vendor for the Back-to-School Community Event. Be sure to check back next year for updates on our annual Back-to-School Community Outreach event!

IMPORTANT: To Complete Your Vendor Registration

STEP 1 - Make Your Payment and you will automatically be directed to Step 2.

STEP 2 - Complete Vendor Registration Form

Registration is now CLOSED

Thank YOU for your interest in being a business vendor for the

Back-to-School Community Event. Be sure to check back next year for updates on our annual

Back-to-School Community Outreach event!

IMPORTANT: To Complete Your Vendor Registration

STEP 1 - Make Your Payment and you will automatically be directed to Step 2.

STEP 2 - Complete Vendor Registration Form

The Prince William County Community Foundation and Prince William County Public Schools welcome you to register as a vendor for this exciting event. By registering for this event, you will have the opportunity to provide valuable resources, giveaways, and services to Prince William County families.


gets you:

  • One 6-foot table and two chairs


gets you:

  • One tent

  • One 6-foot table and two chairs

Need help?
Get Support at

Business Vendor Registration

Your InformationBusiness Vendor Order Details
No products available
Woodbridge, VA 22194, USA

Prince William County Community Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 5148, Woodbridge, VA 22194

Telephone: (800) 455-4773

Subscribe to get news on

all upcoming events.

Business Vendor Registration

Your InformationBusiness Vendor Order Details
No products available

The Prince William County Community Foundation and Prince William County Public Schools welcome you to register as a vendor for this exciting event. By registering for this event, you will have the opportunity to provide valuable resources, giveaways, and services to Prince William County families.

$50 STANDARD gets you:

  • One 6-foot table and two chairs

$100 DELUXE gets you:

  • One tent

  • One 6-foot table and two chairs

Need help?
Get Support at

Woodbridge, VA 22194, USA

Prince William County Community Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 5148, Woodbridge, VA 22194

Telephone: (800) 455-4773

Subscribe to get news on all upcoming events.

LaNovaTech | All Rights Reserved 2024

LaNovaTech | All Rights Reserved 2024

Snackpak Program

This program assists school aged children who suffer from food insecurity by providing them with a bag filled with at least 3 assorted snacks and a juice box. These bags are now put together throughout each school year and donated to Cabarrus County & Kannapolis City Schools.  Fall of 2022 over 5900 snackpaks were donated. As of 2023 we will donate a minimum of 100 snackpaks to each school at the beginning of the year and then deliver more as each school needs them. This will allow the schools to not have to store them all and be able to consistently provide these to students in need as 1CAN will be able to provide more snackpaks during the full school year.

Hear From Our Families


Thank you, it means more than you probably know. I know there are people in the world who care to help us, who find ourselves full hearted yet empty.


Thank you for the blessings I was so hungry.


Thank you all for what you do - I am a mother of 9 kids.


Thank you the community is better because of your help.


I have a lot of kids and sometimes my food does not last so thank you.


Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.

Vision Partner Program

1CAN launched our Vision Partner Program in December of 2022, this program provides an avenue for 1CAN to increase the number of people in need we can reach. During Our Senior Love Day event we spoke to many different providers and realized so many in need are being underserved, since a single agency cannot address every issue. Our goal with this program is put directly into the hands of those in need & underserved as much food that is appropriate for and welcome by them.


1CAN provides 200 meal bags a month that they distribute to their clients that are food insecure. These clients are unable to utilize our blessing boxes, this partnership allows 1CAN to assist these seniors in need.

Harm reduction program: 1CAn provides 100 snack bags a month for their clients that are in need of food.

1CAN provides 10 meal bags a month to their families in need and Holiday Meals to 25 of their families.